Rehabilitation Sciences

S.No.Book NameAction
1 A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
2 Abnormal Psychology_ An Integrative Approach 6th Canadian Edition-by David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, Stefan G. Hofmann, Martin L. Lalumiere.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
3 acadamic international research book.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
4 Addiction Medicine_ Science and Practice by bankole A. Johnson - vol.1.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
5 Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
6 American College of Sports Medicine - Acsm's Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities-Human Kinetics Publishers (2016).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
7 An Introduction to Children with Language Disorders.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
8 Atlas of Human Anatomy 7th ed..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
9 Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
10 Badminton Skills and Drills.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
11 Basic and Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and Ans by Gregory D. Cramer.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
12 Basic Biomechanics by Susan J Hall.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
13 Basic Biomechanics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
14 Basic Statistics For Health Sciences,3rd ed-by Jan.W. Kuzma.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
15 BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, Volume 1 Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical Upper Limb and Thorax by B.D. Chaurasia.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
16 BDCHAU~1.PDFRequest to E-Borrow
17 BDCHAU~2.PDFRequest to E-Borrow
18 Berne & Levy Physiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
19 Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation by Tun-tao.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
20 Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals by Richard C. Dorf.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
21 Bodyweight strength training anatomy (reduced).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
22 Braddoms Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
23 Brunnstroms Clinical Kinesiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
24 Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation-Springer-Verlag London (1993).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
25 Child Development with the D-score-by Stefvan Buuren, Iris Eekhout.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
26 Chiropractic and Physical Therapies by Pete Edner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
27 Clinical anatomy cases by Saghar Dugani.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
28 Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy by Peter H. Abrahams.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
29 Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy , Fifth Edition by Lynn S. Lippert.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
30 Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry by Niklause P. Lang - 2 Volume Set (6th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
31 Clinical sports medicine by Brukner & Khan's-vol 1(5th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
32 Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
33 Color Atlas and Text of Histology, Seventh Edition by Leslie P. Gartner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
34 Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapy by Judith E. Deutsch.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
35 Computational and Experimental Biomedical Sciences by Joao Manuel.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
36 Concrete portable handbook by R. Dodge woodson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
37 Daniels and Worthingham’s Muscle Testing Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing by Dale Avers.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
38 Deep in the shadows of loss_ An exploration of grief mourning a.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
39 Design for Ergonomics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
40 Development-of-gait-by-electromyography by Tsutomu Okamoto.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
41 Diagnosis and Treatment of Thoracic Outlet_Syndrome by Julie Ann Freschlag.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
42 Differentiation. Examination and Treatment of Movement Disorders in Manual Therapy By Robert Pfund.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
43 Engineering Mechanics_ Statics & Dynamics-by Russell C. Hibbeler.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
44 English Vocabulary in Use - Upper-Intermediate by Michael McCarthy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
45 Ergonomics for Beginners A Quick Reference Guide, Third Edition by Jan Dul.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
46 ERGONOMICS FOR PEOPLE.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
47 Ergonomics for rehabilitation professionals.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
48 Ergonomics for Therapists 3rd Edition by Karen Jacobs.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
49 Essential Oils for Beginners by ALTHEA PRESS.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
50 Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy by Ellen Hillegass (3rd Ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
51 Essentials of musculoskeletal care ( etc.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
52 Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy by Scott A. Johnson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
53 Exercise and Sports Pulmonology by Annalisa Cogo.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
54 Exercise Physiology Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance by Scott K. Powers.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
55 Five Point Touch Therapy by Pierre-Noël Delatte.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
56 Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 7th Edition With Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition (Robert Weinberg, Daniel Gould).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
57 Frederic_Delavier_FR_Strength_Training_A.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
58 Fundamental of eng.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
59 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 7th Edit.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
60 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 8th Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
61 Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology by Kim E. Barrett.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
62 Getting to yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
63 Goniometry and Manual Muscle Testing by Lynn Van Ost.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
64 Gray's Anatomy_ The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, 41e.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
65 Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
66 Handbook of OBESITY Epidemiology, Etiology, and Physiopathology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
67 Handbook of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders by Michael S. Ritsner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
68 Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Swimming Joel M. Stager (2nd ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
69 Handbook of Treatment Planning for Children with Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
70 Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 31st Edition by Victor W. Rodwell.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
71 HumanFactors.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
72 Imaging Anatomy of the Human Spine by Scott E. Forseen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
73 Integrated Sports Massage Therapy by Andres Jelveus.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
74 Introduction to Developmental Psychology-by Bremner, J. Gavin_ Slater, Alan.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
75 Introduction to materials science for engineers-by Shackelford, James F.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
76 Jennifer A. Pryor PhD MBA MSc FNZSP MCSP, Barbara A. Webber FCSP DSc(Hon) - Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems (Physiotherapy Essentials)-Churchill Livingstone (1998).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
77 Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman, Dorothy Wood - ISE Prescott's Microbiology-McGraw Hill (2023) (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
78 Joint Structure and Function A Comprehensive Analysis by Levangie PT DPT DSc FAPTA, Pamela K., Norkin PT EdD, Cynthia C..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
79 Junqueira's Basic Histology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
80 Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System 3rd Edition by Donald A. Neumann.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
81 Kinesiology_ The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
82 Langman’s Medical Embryology by T.W. Sadler.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
83 Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology by Karen Whalen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
84 Low Vision Manual by A. Jonathan Jackson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
85 LUEDER_RICE_ergonomics for children.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
86 Maitlands Peripheral Manipulation by Elly Hengeveld, Kevin Banks ( 4th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
87 Maitlands Vertebral Manipulation by Geoff Maitland, Elly Hengeveld, Kevin Banks, Kay English (7th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
88 management of common musculoskeletal disorders.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
89 Manual Mobilization of the Joints The Spine Vol 2 (4th Edition) by Freddy M. Kaltenborn.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
90 Manual Mobilization of the Joints Vol I The Extremities (6th Edition) by Freddy M. Kaltenborn.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
91 Manual Mobilization of the Joints, Vol 3 Traction-Manipulation of the Spine and Extremities by Freddy Kaltenborn.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
92 manual of clinical microbiology 11ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
93 Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine by Kenneth A. Olsan (2nd ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
94 Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine, 1e.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
95 Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine, 2e.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
96 Marketing For Physical Therapy Clinics by Nitin Chhoda.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
97 Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction by William D. Callister, Jr., David G. Rethwish ( to E-Borrow
98 Measurement for Evaluation in PhysicalEducationa.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
99 Measurement of joint motion a guide to goniometry by Norkin, Cynthia C. White, D. Joyce.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
100 Microbiology by Michael J. Pelczar, JR., E.C.S. Chan, Noel R. Krieg.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
101 Musculoskeletal examination by Elaine Rosen Joseph Fetto Jeffrey M. Gross ( 4th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
102 Myofascial Trigger Points by Peter A. Huijbregts.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
103 National Physical Therapy Exam by Bethany Chapman, Mary Fratianni.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
104 National Physical Therapy Examination by Mark Dutton.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
105 Netter's Orthopaedics by David J. Zaleske.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
106 Neuro-Robotics by Panagiotis Artemiadis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
107 Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy by Martin & Kessler ( 2nd Edition).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
108 Neurological Physiotherapy by Susan Edwards.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
109 Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
110 Occupational therapy in acute care.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
111 Occupational_Therapy for Children.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
112 Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis by Peter A. Huijbregts.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
113 Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis_ Spine And Temporomandibular Joints.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
114 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy by Robert A. Donatelli (4th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
115 Orthopedic Manual Therapy by Chad E. Cook (2nd Ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
116 Orthopedic Physical Assessment by David J. Magee (6th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
117 Pathology of Peripheral Nerves by Dr. J. M. Schröder.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
118 Pavel Tsatsouline - Enter The Kettlebell! Strength Secret of The Soviet Supermen (2006, Dragon Door Publications).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
119 Pediatric Physical Therapy by Jan Stephen Tecklin (5th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
120 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by Esther Henson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
121 Physical Rehabilitation by Susan B. O’Sullivan 6th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
122 physical rehabilitation by] Susan B. O’Sullivan 7th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
123 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder by Robert A. Donatelli (4th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
124 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder by Robert A. Donatelli 5th Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
125 Physiology of Joints (Vol. 3, the Trunk and the Vertebral Column) by I. A. and Honore, L. H. (Trans.) Kapandji.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
126 physiotherapy-in-respiratory-care-3rd-ed-a-hough-.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
127 Play and Social Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
128 Play Therapy With Children Modalities for Change.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
129 Pluralism, Democracy and Political Knowledge By HANS BLOKLAND.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
130 Practical Exercise Therapy by Margaret Hollis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
131 Practical pharmacology in rehabilitation by Lynette L.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
132 Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness (15th Edition) by Wener W.K. Hoegee.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
133 Principles of anatomy and physiology by Derrickson, Bryan H. Tortora.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
134 Reflective Interpersonal Therapy for Children and Parents Mind That Child A New Way of Helping Parents and Children.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
135 Rehabilitation in Orthopedic Surgery By A. B. Imhoff.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
136 Rehabilitation Research Principles and Applications 3rd ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
137 Repair and rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures By WALTER F. SILVA-ARAYA,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
138 Replays Using Play to Enhance Emotional And Behavioral Development for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
139 Research methods by Carolyn Hicks (3rd ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
140 Review of Medical Microbiology - Unknown_20.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
141 Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology by Warren E. Levinson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
142 Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology-17 ed-by McGraw Hill.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
143 Rob Herbert, Gro Jamtvedt, Judy Mead, Kare Birger Hagen - Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy (2005).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
144 Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human Movement Science By Youlian Hong.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
145 Routledge Handbook of Motor Control and Motor Learning By Albert Gollhofer.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
146 Russell Carter EdD PT, Jay Lubinsky PhD CCC-A_SLP - Rehabilitation Research_ Principles and Applications, 5e-Saunders (2015).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
147 Science of Athletic Training Soccer By Thomas Reilly.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
148 Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System By Mohamed Behnassi.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
149 Science-Based Rehabilitation By Kathryn Refshauge.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
150 Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation By David J. Magee,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
151 Scorebuilders-PT-Exam-2013-Final-Part-II.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
152 Sensory Integration Theory and Practice (Shelly Lane Anita C. Bundy).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
153 sew-healthy-amp-happy-smart-ergonomics-stretches-amp-more-for-makers-9781644030721.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
154 Shoulder rehabilitation By Todd S. Ellenbecker.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
155 Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions by Lawrence Wineski.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
156 Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy by Ryan Splittgerber.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
157 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses by Dibyendunarayan Bid.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
158 Spasticity Management By Valerie L Stevenson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
159 Sport Psychology Concepts and Applications (Richard H. Cox).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
160 Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation By David Joyce.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
161 sports injury prevention.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
162 Sports Rehabilitation and injury prevention By Paul Comfort.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
163 stretching-anatomy-thirdnbsped-9781492593652-1492593656-9781492593669-1492593664_compress.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
164 tappanshandbooko04edtapp_1.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
165 Tennis Medicine By Giovanni Di Giacomo.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
166 Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations by Thomas M. Devlin.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
167 Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation by Micheal Selzer-Vol.2( 2nd Ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
168 Textbook of Orthopedics by John Ebnezar (4th ed.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
169 Textbook of Sports Medicine By Micheal Kjaer.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
170 The ABC’s of Calculus Volume 2 Multi Variable-by Angelo B. Mingarelli.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
171 The CBT Anxiety Solution Workbook By MATTHEW MCKAY,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
172 The Clinical Science of Neurologic Rehabilitation By Bruce H.Dobkin.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
173 The Developing Human Clinically Oriented Embryology, 10e by Keith L. Moore.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
174 The Physiology of the Joints Lower Limb, Volume 2 by I. A. Kapandji.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
175 The Physiology of the Joints The Trunk and the Vertebral Column, Volume 3 (Trunk Vertebral Column) by I. A. Kapandji.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
176 The Science and Physiology of Flexibility and Stretching By David G. Behm.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
177 Therapeutic Exercise By Colby & Kisner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
178 to E-Borrow
179 Trail Guide to the Body By Andrew Biel LMP.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
180 Training and Conditioning Young Athletes.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
181 Trigger Point Dry Needling. An Evidence and Clinical-Based Approach By Jan Dommerholt and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
182 Trigger Point Therapy for Repetitive Strain Injury By Valerie DeLaune, LAc.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
183 Ultimate Guide to Stretching & Flexibility By Brad Walker.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
184 Understanding Controversial Therapies for Children with Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Other Learning Disabilities.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
185 Volume 2, BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy, Lower Limb, Abdomen and Pelvis (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
186 Walter and Miller's Textbook of Radiotherapy By Paul Symonds.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
187 WatsonEmilyOMurrayJa_2012_EncyclopediaofSportsandAthletics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow