Podiatric Medicine

S.No.Book NameAction
1 2022-Part-I-CIB.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
2 2022-Part-II-CIB.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
3 2022-Part-III-CIB.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
4 A Colour Atlas of Foot and Ankle Disorders by Alethea V.M. Foster,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
5 A study of the congenital cleft palate deformity by Graber, Touro.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
6 Al R. Spouge, Thomas L Pope - Practical MRI of the Foot and Ankle-Informa Healthcare (2000).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
7 Alethea VM Foster BA(Hons) PGCE DPodM MChS SRCh - Podiatric Assessment and Management of the Diabetic Foot (2006).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
8 An Introduction to Gait Analysis, 4th Ed. by Michael W. Whittle.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
9 Animesh Hazari, G. Arun Maiya - Clinical Biomechanics and its Implications on Diabetic Foot-Springer Singapore_Springer (2020).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
10 Atlas of the Newborn Volume 2 Musculoskeletal Disorders and Congenital Deformities (Atlas of the Newborn) by Arnold J. Rudolph.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
11 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung 14th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
12 Catherine Hayes - Professional Practice for Podiatric Medicine-M&K Update Ltd (2013).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
13 Clifford P. Shearman (eds.) - Management of Diabetic Foot Complications-Springer-Verlag London (2015).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
14 Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Extremity Etiology and Management by Donald R.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
15 Congenital Deformities of the Hand and Upper Limb by Wei Wang, Jianmin Yao.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
16 Contemporary diabetes Aristidis Veves, John M. Giurini, Frank W. LoGerfo - The diabetic foot-Humana Press (2006).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
17 Contemporary Diabetes Aristidis Veves, John M. Giurini, Raul J. Guzman - The Diabetic Foot_ Medical and Surgical Management-Springer International Publishing_Humana Press (2018).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
18 Contemporary Diabetes Kenneth Snow MD (auth.), Aristidis Veves, John M. Giurini, Frank W. LoGerfo (eds.) - The Diabetic Foot_ Medical and Surgical Management-Humana Press (2012).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
19 Critical-History-of-English-Literature-By-BR-Mullik-WWW.StudyNowPK.COM_.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
20 CSPE-2020-09.24.20.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
21 Dawber P.R. - Text Atlas of Podiatric Dermatology-Taylor & Francis Ltd (2002).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
22 Dirk Hochlenert, Gerald Engels, Stephan Morbach, Stefanie Schliwa, Frances L. Game - Diabetic Foot Syndrome_ From Entity to Therapy-Springer International Publishing (2018).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
23 Eliza Addis-Thomas D.P.M. (auth.), Amol Saxena (eds.) - Special Procedures in Foot and Ankle Surgery-Springer-Verlag London (2013).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
24 Essentials of Foot and Ankle Surgery by Maneesh Bhatia.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
25 Essentials of Medical Physiology by K. Sembulingam, Prema Sembulingam 6th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
26 External Fixators of the Foot and Ankle-by Dr. Paul Cooper.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
27 Fixing your feet injury prevention and treatments for athletes by Vonhof, John.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
28 Foot and Ankle Radiology by Robert A Christman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
29 Foot and Ankle Surgery by Selene Parekh.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
30 Fractures of the Foot and Ankle Diagnosis and Treatment of Injury and Disease by Jason H. Calhoun, Laugh Richard T.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
31 Gerald F. Harris, Peter A. Smith, Richard M. Marks - Foot and Ankle Motion Analysis_ Clinical Treatment and Technology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
32 Guillaume Chuto, Emmanuel Richelme, Christophe Cermolacce, Michel Nicaud, Bruno Puech - Bone SPECT_CT of Ankle and Foot-Springer International Publishing (2018).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
33 Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology by John E. Hall 13th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
34 Imaging Anatomy Julia Crim - Knee, ankle, foot.-Elsevier (2017).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
35 International Advances in Foot and Ankle Surgery-Springer-Verlag London-by Alessandro Caprio.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
36 James F. Guhl, Melbourne D. Boynton, J.Serge Parisien - Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy-Springer (2004).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
37 John H. Bowker MD, Michael A. Pfeifer MD - Levin and O'Neal's The Diabetic Foot, 7th Edition (2007).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
38 LWW medical book collection Anton N. Sidawy MD - Diabetic foot _ lower extremity arterial disease and limb salvage-Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2006).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
39 Mariano de Prado (auth.), Nicola Maffulli, Mark Easley (eds.) - Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Foot and Ankle-Springer-Verlag London (2011).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
40 Mark S. Myerson MD - Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery_ Management of Complications_ Expert Consult - Online, Print, Second Edition-Saunders (2010).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
41 Master techniques in orthopaedic surgery Kitaoka, Harold B - The foot and ankle-Wolters Kluwer Health_Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2013).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
42 Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery_ The Foot and Ankle.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
43 Master Techniques in Podiatric Surgery Thomas J. Chang - Master Techniques in Podiatric Surgery The Foot and Ankle-Wolters Kluwer.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
44 Maurice Bouysset, Yves Tourné, Karl Tillmann (auth.) - Foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis-Springer Paris (2006).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
45 McNeil, Christopher Kerr - Congenital Malformation and Acquired Deformity of the Oral and Facial Structure.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
46 Michael E. Edmonds, Alethea V. M. Foster, Lee Sanders - A Practical Manual of Diabetic Foot Care-Wiley-Blackwell (2004).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
47 Michael E. Edmonds, Alethea VM Foster - Managing the Diabetic Foot-Wiley-Blackwell (2005).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
48 Michael E. Edmonds, Bauer E. Sumpio - Limb Salvage of the Diabetic Foot_ An Interdisciplinary Approach-Springer International Publishing (2019).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
49 Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Foot and Ankle by Mariano de Prado.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
50 Mohammad Zubair, Jamal Ahmad, Abida Malik, Mallikarjuna Rao Talluri - Diabetic Foot Ulcer_ An Update-Springer Singapore_Springer (2021).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
51 Nicholas Katsilambros, Eleftherios Dounis, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Nicholas Tentolouris, Panagiotis Tsapogas - Atlas of the Diabetic Foot, 2nd edition (2010).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
52 Nicholas Katsilambros, Eleftherios Dounis, Konstantinos Makrilakis, Nicholas Tentolouris, Panagiotis Tsapogas(auth.) - Atlas of the Diabetic Foot, Second Edition, Second Edition-Wiley-Blackwell (2010).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
53 Operative Techniques in Foot and Ankle Surgery.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
54 Oxidative Stress and Disease Alexander Kirienko, Angelo Villa, Jason H. Calhoun - Alexander Kirienko Ilizarov Technique for Complex Foot and Ankle Deformities-Informa Healthcare (2003).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
55 Parks Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine by K. Park 23rd edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
56 Pendsey, Sharad - Diabetic foot_ a clinical atlas-CRC Press (2004).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
57 Peripheral Arterial Disease Handbook.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
58 Pharmacology for Podiatrists by Margaret Johnson, Rae Morgan.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
59 Podiatric Assessment and Management of the Diabetic Foot by Alethea VM Foster.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
60 Practical Manual Series Michael E. Edmonds, Alethea V. M. Foster, Lee Sanders - A Practical Manual of Diabetic Foot Care, Second Edition-Wiley-Blackwell (2008).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
61 Principles of anatomy and physiology by Derrickson, Bryan H. Tortora, Gerard J. 15th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
62 Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery Management of Complications by Mark S. Myerson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
63 Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery_ Management of Complications.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
64 Richard T. Bouché D.P.M. (auth.), Amol Saxena (eds.) - Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery of the Foot and Ankle-Springer-Verlag London (2013).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
65 Robert A. Christman, DPM (Auth.) - Foot and Ankle Radiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
66 Sports Injuries of the Foot and Ankle_ A Focus on Advanced Surgical Techniques-Springer Berlin Heidel.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
67 Stuart Metcalfe, FPodA, FCPodS, and Ian Reilly, FCPodS, DMS (Auth.) - Foot and Ankle Injection Techniques. A Practical Guide (2010).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
68 T. Dinh - Global Perspective on Diabetic Foot Ulcerations-Intech (2011).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
69 Textbook of Orthopedics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
70 The Foot and Ankle Clinical Applications (A.L. Logan Series in Chiropractic Technique) by Alfred Logan, Lindsay Rowe.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
71 The Foot and Ankle in Rheumatoid Arthritis A Comprehensive Guide by Philip Helliwell PhD, James Woodburn.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
72 The Surgical Management of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle-Springer International Publishing-by Dolfi Herscovici, Jr..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
73 Thomas H. Berquist - Imaging of the Foot and Ankle-LWW (2010).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
74 Treatment and prevention-Informa Healthcare-by Lawrence A Lavery.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
75 Troy J. Boffeli (eds.) - Osteomyelitis of the Foot and Ankle_ Medical and Surgical Management-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
76 Tun Hing Lui - Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Foot and Ankle_ Principle and Practice-Springer Singapore (2019).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
77 Watkins’ Manual of Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery by Leon Watkins 4th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
78 Watkins’ Manual of Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery by Leon Watkins.pdfRequest to E-Borrow