
S.No.Book NameAction
1 (Davis's Clinical Coach Series) Campbell, Gilbert, Laustsen - Clinical Coach for Nursing Excellence -F.A. Davis Company (2009).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
2 (Nursing Care Plans) Marilynn E. Doenges, Mary Frances Moorhouse, Alice C. Murr - Nursing Care Plans_ Guidelines for Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span-F.A. Davis Company (2019).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
3 -Susan_Bacorn_Bastable-_Nurse_as_Educator_Princip.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
4 00001888-200002000-00015.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
5 9780763772246_FMxx_00i_xviii.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
6 A Pedagogy for Liberation_ Dialogues on Transforming Education.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
8 AACN_Essentials_of_Critical_Care_Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
9 Advanced Learner’s Grammar. A Self-study Reference and Practice Book with Answers.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
10 Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures by Margaret R. Colyar.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
11 All-in-One Nursing Care Planning Resource_ Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
12 An Introduction to English Grammar, Longman Grammar, Syntax and Phonology, Second Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
13 An Introduction to Microbiology for Nurses by N. A. Simmons ( (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
14 An Introduction to Microbiology for Nurses by N. A. Simmons ( to E-Borrow
15 An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing by Betty Johnson 4th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
16 Anatomy & Physiology Workbook.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
17 Anatomy & Physiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
18 Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses at a Glance (At a Glance.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
19 Applied Epidemiology. Theory to Practice ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
20 Applied law and ethics for health professionals (Valerie J. Connor Carla Caldwell Stanford).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
21 assessment-made-incredibly-easy-4th-edition (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
22 Bacteriology of Humans An Ecological Perspective ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
23 Basic & Clinical Pharmacolo.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
24 Basic Nursing Concepts, Skills Reasoning by Leslie S. Treas PhD RN CPNP-PC NNP-BC, Judith M. Wilkinson PhD ARNP.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
25 Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 11th Edition (Guide to Physical Exam & History Taking (Bates)) ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
26 Bates' Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 11th Edition (Guide to Physical Exam & History Taking (Bates)).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
27 Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
28 Big Data for Epidemiology Applied Data Analysis Using National Health Surveys,KINDRATT,TIFFANY B..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
29 Bioethics principles, issues, and cases (Lewis Vaughn).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
30 Body Physics Motion to Metabolism,LAWRENCE DAVIS.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
31 Brunner&Suddart's Textbook of Medical-Surgical nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
32 Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research by Jennifer R. Gray Susan K. Grove Suzanne Sutherland ( (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
33 Campbell, Gilbert, Laustsen - Clinical Coach for Nursing Excellence ,F.A. Davis Company.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
34 Capstone Coach for Nursing Excellence, 2 edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
35 Capstone Coach for Nursing Excellence.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
36 Case study research and applications _ design and methods.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
37 Clinical Coach for Nurse Practitioners (Davis's Clinical Coach).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
38 Clinical Ethics A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine (Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler etc.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
39 clinical nursing procedures the art of nursing practice 3rd ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
40 Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
41 Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
42 Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
43 Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Fifth Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
44 Community & Public Health Nursing_ Promoting the Public's Health ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
45 Community & Public Health Nursing_ Promoting the Public's Health.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
46 Community as Partner Theory and Practice in Nursing, 6th Edition by Elizabeth T. Anderson, Judith McFarlane ( to E-Borrow
47 Community Health Care Nursing,David Sines.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
48 Community Health Nursing,Judith A. Allender.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
49 Community Health Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
50 Community Health Nursing_ Frameworks for Practice 2nd Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
51 Community Health Nursing_ Promoting and Protecting the Public's Health, 7th Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
52 community medicine important mcqs.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
53 Community medicine.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
54 Community Public Health Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
55 CommunityPublic Health Nursing Promoting the Health of Populations by Mary A. Nies Melanie McEwen ( to E-Borrow
56 Community_Public Health Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
57 Concept-mapping-a-critical-thinking-approach-to-ca.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
58 Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing (Lucy J Hood Susan Leddy J Mae Pepper).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
59 Creative Strategies for the Nurse Educator.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
60 Critical Care Nursing DeMYSTiFieD ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
61 Critical Care Nursing, 7e Diagnosis and Management by Linda D. Urden DNSc RN CNS NE-BC FAAN Kathleen M. Stacy PhD RN CNS CCRN PCCN CCNS Mary E. Lough PhD RN CNS CCRN CNRN CCNS ( to E-Borrow
62 Critical Thinking in Academic Research,2nd ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
63 Curriculum Development in Nursing - Process and Innovation.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
64 Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
65 Dewits fundamental concepts and skills for nursing by Williams, Paul.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
66 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders _ Fifth Edition Text Revision DSM-5-TR.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
67 Dr. Janice L Hinkle, Kerry H. Cheever - Brunner Suddarths Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14th Edition-LWW (2017) by Dr. Janice L Hinkle, Kerry H. Cheever - Brunner Suddarths Textbook of Medica (z-l.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
68 Drug Use and Misuse.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
69 Dutta Textbook of Obstetrics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
70 Educational Administration Concepts and Practices-by Fred C. Lunenburg.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
71 Educational Administration.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
72 educational-research_-quantitat-r-robert-burke-johnson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
73 Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Eleanor J. Sullivan,8th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
74 Elementary Statistics A Step By Step Approach, (8th Edition) by Allan Bluman ( (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
75 Elementary Statistics A Step By Step Approach, (8th Edition) by Allan Bluman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
76 Elementary Statistics A Step-By-Step Approach by Allan G. Bluman ( (2).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
77 Elementary Statistics A Step-By-Step Approach by Allan G. Bluman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
78 End the Insomnia Struggle_ A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
79 English Grammar for intermidiate - Longman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
80 Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
81 Essentials of leadership and management.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
82 Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
83 Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
84 Essentials of Nursing Research Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
85 Essentials of Pediatric Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
86 Ethical and legal issues for doctoral nursing students_ a textbook for students and reference for nurse leaders.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
87 ethical-challenges-in-cancer-diagnosis-and-therapy-2021.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
88 Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
89 Evidence-Based Nursing The Research Practice Connection.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
90 Focus Groups in Social Research (Introducing Qualitative Methods series) (Michael Bloor, Jane Frankland, Michelle Thomas etc.).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
91 Foundations of Epidemiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
92 Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
93 Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
94 freire pedagogy of the oppressed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
95 Fundamental Nursing Skills.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
96 FUNDAMENTAL-OF-NURSING.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
97 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
98 Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 8th ed. ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
99 fundamentals of healthcare administration.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
100 Fundamentals of Nursing by Patricia Ann Potter Anne Griffin Perry Patricia Stockert Amy Hall.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
101 Fundamentals of nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
102 Gordis Epidemiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
103 Handbook for Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical nursing 12th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
104 HANDBOOK FOR Textbook of Medic - BRUNNER & SUDDARTH_122.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
105 Health Assessment in Nursing ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
106 Health Assessment in Nursing,Janet Weber.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
107 Health Measurement Scales A practical guide to their development and use.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
108 Health Promotionin Nursing Practice, Nola Pender.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
109 How to write first-class letters the handbook for practical letter writing by L. Sue Baugh.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
110 Implementation of Nola Pender_s _Clinical Assessment for Health P.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
111 Innovative-teaching-strategies-in-nursing-and-rela.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
112 Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning across Disciplines_ Comparative Theory and Practice in Schools.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
113 introduction to biostatistics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
114 Introduction to Community-Based Nursing, 4th Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
115 Introduction to Computers for Healthcare Professionals.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
116 Introduction to Critical Care Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
117 Introduction to research methodology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
118 islam-at-war.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
119 Jose L. Galvan, Melisa C. Galvan - Writing Literature Reviews_ A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2017, Routledge).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
120 Katzung Trevor’s Pharmacology Examination and Board Review by Bertram G. Katzung, Marieke Kruidering-Hall, Anthony J. Trevor.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
121 katzung pharmacology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
122 Key Concepts and Issues in Nursing Ethics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
123 Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing - Berman, Audrey [SRG].pdfRequest to E-Borrow
124 Leadership in Education Organizational Theory for the Practitioner by Russ Marion, Leslie D. Gonzalez.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
125 Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing Theory and Application , 7th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
126 Leading Change in Health Systems Strategies for RN, BSN Students.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
127 Legal And Ethical Issues For Health Professionals.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
128 Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care 10th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
129 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
130 Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology by Karen Whalen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
131 Lippincott Nursing Procedures.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
132 lippincotts-biochemistry-6th-edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
133 Making Health Policy (Understanding Public Health) (Kent Buse, Nick Mays, Gill Walt).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
134 Management 7e, Robbins-Coulter.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
135 Mansons Tropical Diseases Expert Consult Basic, 22nd Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
136 Manual of psychiatric nursing care planning assessment guides, diagnoses, psychopharmacology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
137 marquis leadership roles and management functions in nursing theory and application 2017.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
138 Mayes' Midwifery A Textbook for Midwives Pageburst Package with Pageburst online access.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
139 Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
140 Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
141 Medical-Surgical Nursing Patient-Centered Collaborative Care.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
142 Medical-Surgical Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
143 Medical-surgical-All-the-course.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
144 Medical-Surgical-Nursing-Demystified.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
145 medical-surgical_nursing-10th-edition-by-brunner-suddarth.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
146 Microbiology an introduction by Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, Christine L. Case.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
147 Microbiology by Michael J. Pelczar.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
148 Microbiology for Earth Scientists.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
149 Middle Range Theory for Nursing 4th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
150 Mixed Methods Research for Nursing and the Health Sciences.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
151 Modern Epidemiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
152 Myles Textbook for Midwives by Jayne E. Marshall, Maureen D. Raynor.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
153 Notes-on-Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
154 Nurse as Educator Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice, Susan B.Bastable.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
155 Nurse Educator's Guide to Best Teaching Practice_ A Case-Based Approach ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
156 Nursing Care at the End of Life_ What Every Clinician Should Know.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
157 Nursing Care Plans Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes, 8e.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
158 Nursing Diagnosis Handbook An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
159 Nursing ethics across the curriculum and into practice (Butts, Janie B).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
160 Nursing Health Assessment a best practice approach by Jensen, Sharon.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
161 Nursing Health Assessment A Critical Thinking, Case Studies Approach ,Dillon,Patricia M..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
162 Nursing Informatics for the Advanced Practice Nurse_ Patient Safety, Quality, Outcomes, and Interprofessionalism.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
163 Nursing Leadership and Management for Patient Safety and Quality Care.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
164 Nursing Leadership and Management Theories, Processes and Practice by Dr Rebecca Jones.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
165 Nursing Management and Professional Concepts.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
166 Nursing Mental Health and Community Concepts.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
167 Nursing Research (2).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
168 Nursing research generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
169 Nursing Research Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice (Geri Lobiondo-Wood Judith Haber.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
170 Nursing Research Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
171 Nursing Research Using Data Analysis Qualitative Designs and Methods in Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
172 Nursing Research Using Phenomenology Qualitative Designs and Methods in Nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
173 Nursing Research.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
174 Nursing Research_ Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
175 Nursing Research_ Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
176 Nursing Skills-2e.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
177 Nursing theories the base for professional nursing practice by Julia B. George. 6th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
178 Nursing Theories ,The Base forprofessional nursing practice,Julia B. George.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
179 Nursing Theories and Models (Routledge Essentials for Nurses).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
180 Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice 3rd ed by Marilyn E. Parker.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
181 Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice 4th ed by Marlaine C. Smith.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
182 Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
183 Nursing theories and Nursing practice[4th ed] by Smith, Marlaine C.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
184 Nursing theories the base for professional nursing practice by Julia B. George.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
185 Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8e ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
186 Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8th ed by Martha Raile Alligood PhD.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
187 Nursing Theory Utilization Application by Martha Raile Alligood. 5th ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
188 Nursing-Fundamentals.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
189 nursing-law-ethics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
190 Nursing-Pharmacology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
191 Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications A Nursing Approach by Michele Grodner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
192 Pathophysiology of Disease An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, 8th Edition by Gary D. Hammer, Stephen J. McPhee ( to E-Borrow
193 Pathophysiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
194 Pathophysiology_ a practical approach.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
195 Paulo Freire and Transformative Education.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
196 Paulo Freires Concept of Freedom_ A Philosophical Analysis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
197 Paulo Freire_ His Faith, Spirituality, and Theology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
198 Paulo Freire_ Teaching for Freedom and Transformation_ The Philosophical Influences on the Work of Paulo Freire.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
199 Pedagogy and Practice_ Teaching and Learning.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
200 Pediatric Physical Examination - Karen Duderstadt_86..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
201 Pediatric Physical Examination An Illustrated Handbook.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
202 Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice by Janie B..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
203 Physical Examination and Health Assessment by Jarvis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
204 Physiology and Anatomy for Nurses and Healthcare Practitioners a homeostatic approach.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
205 Planning Programs for Adult Learners A Practical Guide.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
206 Porth's Pathophysiology ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
207 potter and perry's Foundamental of nursing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
208 Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
209 Principles of Biomedical Ethic,Tom L. Beauchamp.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
210 Principles of Critical Care.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
211 Principles of Epidemiology.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
212 Principles of Pediatric Nursin - Jane W Ball_82.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
213 Principles of Pediatric Nursing_ Caring for Children (7th Edition) ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
214 Processes_ Writing Across Academic Careers.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
215 Psychiatric Nursing Assessment, Care Plans, and Medications by Mary C. Townsend DSN PMHCNS-BC ( to E-Borrow
216 Qualitative Data Analysis_ A Methods Sourcebook.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
217 Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing Among Five Approaches (John W. Creswel).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
218 Qualitative Inquiry And Research Design_ Choosing Among Five Approaches-by John W. Creswell.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
219 Qualitative Methods for Health Research.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
220 Qualitative Research in Nursing Advancing the Humanistic Imperative (Helen Streubert Speziale, Helen J. Streubert etc.) ( to E-Borrow
221 Qualitative Research Methods ( PDFDrive ) - Copy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
222 Rare Genetic Disorders - Advancements in Diagnosis and Treatment (May 8, 2024)_(9819993229)_(Springer).pdf-Springer (2024).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
223 Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches 3rd edition.pdf ( ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
224 Research design Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
225 Research Design_ Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
226 Research Methods and Statistics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
227 Resource Manual for Nursing Research_ Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
228 Resources_in_Education.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
229 Rnotes Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide, Third Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
230 Ross Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness by Anne Waugh, Allison Grant.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
231 Ross and Wilson ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY in Health and Illness Eleventh Edition Anne.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
232 sage-handbook-of-mixed-methods-social-behavioral-research-2e.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
233 Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
234 Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019 ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
235 Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills_ A Nursing Process Approach, Third Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
236 Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Biological Rhythms.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
237 Sophie's World.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
238 Steven D. Edwards - Philosophy of Nursing_ An Introduction (2001) (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
239 Study guide for Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of nursing concepts, process, and practice, tenth edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
240 Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
241 T. Heather Herdman, Shigemi Kamitsuru, Camila Takáo Lopes - NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses_ Definitions and Classification 2021-2023-Thieme (2021).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
242 Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills_ A Nursing Process Approach, Third Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
243 Teaching in Nursing A Guide for Faculty by Diane M. Billings Judith A. Halstead ( to E-Borrow
245 the battles of the prophet-ibnkathir.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
246 The Complete Nursing School Bundle™.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
247 The Essentials of Biostatistics for Physicians, Nurses, and Clinicians.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
248 The Generalship of Muhammad_ Battles and Campaigns of the Prophet of Allah.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
249 The Grammar Book Form, Meaning, and Use for English Language Teachers by Diane Larsen-Freeman, Marianne Celce-Murcia ( to E-Borrow
250 The New Nurse Educator, Second Edition Mastering Academe by Deborah Dolan, PhD, RN Hun ( to E-Borrow
251 The Practice of Nursing Research Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (Susan K. Grove, Nancy Burns, Jennifer R. Gray).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
252 The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
253 Theoretical Basis for Nursing - Melanie McEwen & Evelyn M. Wil.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
254 Theoretical basis for nursing, 4th ed by Melanie McEwen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
255 Theoretical Nursing_ Development and Progress ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
256 Theory and Reality_ An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
257 Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress - Principles of Biomedical Ethics-Oxford University Press (2012).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
258 Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress - Principles of Biomedical Ethics-Oxford University Press (2019).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
259 Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care by Margaret M. Andrews Joyceen S. Boyle ( to E-Borrow
260 Transitions-to-professional-nursing1.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
261 Understanding Nursing Research_ Building an Evidence-Based Practice ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
262 Varcarolis Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing A Clinical Approach by Margaret Jordan Halter.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
263 Where There Is No Doctor.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
264 Wong's Nursing Care of Infants,Hockenberry,Marilyn J..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
265 Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children by Marilyn J. Hockenberry, David Wilson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow