
S.No.Book NameAction
1 Adult Infectious Diseases Over 200 Case Studies by Robert M Gullberg.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
2 Amniotic Membrane_ Origin, Characterization and Medical Applications ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
3 Atlas of DIABETES,6th ed -by IDF.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
4 Brenner and Rector's The Kidney,10 ed-by Karl Skorecki.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
5 Burket’s Oral Medicine-by Michael Glick (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
6 Cancer and Vitamin C-by Ewan Cameron,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
7 Cardiac Surgery in the Adult 5th ed, by Lawrence H. Cohn, MD.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
8 cecil-essentials-of-medicine.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
9 Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2019.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
10 Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicine 22ed.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
11 Dhavendra Kumar (ed.) - Clinical Molecular Medicine. Principles And Practice (2020).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
12 Diseases and Medical Terms for Generalogists.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
13 Eat to Beat Disease_ The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself by William W li.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
14 Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics (13th Edition).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
15 First aid for the basic sciences, general principles, 2 e (2012).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
16 Forensic Autopsy A Handbook and Atlas.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
17 IMRT, IGRT, SBRT_ Advances in the Treatment Planning and Delivery of Radiotherapy vol 40, by J.L. Meyer.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
18 Macleod's Clinical Examination 13th Ed. (2013).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
19 Medical Genetics At A Glance, Pritchard & Korf.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
20 Medical Problems in Dentistry, 6th ed-by Crispian Scully..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
21 MedicalDictionary.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
22 Molecular Medicine_ An Introduction-by Jens Kurreck, Cy Aaron Stein (2016).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
23 Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment,2nd ed-by Crispian Scully (1).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
24 Original First Aid 2016 Step.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
25 Outside the Box Cancer Therapies_ Alternative Therapies That Treat and Prevent Cancer. by Mark Stengler.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
26 Oxford Handbook of General Practice, 4th Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
27 Oxford textbook of sleep disorders by Sudhansu Chokroverty.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
28 Perez & Brady’s Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology.7th ed, by Edward C. Halperin.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
29 PET and PET_CT Study Guide_ by Andrzej Moniuszko.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
30 Principles of Internal Medicine.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
31 Radiobiology for the Radiologist, 8th ed,-by Eric J. Hall.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
32 Renal pathophysiology-the essentials 3rd ed,-by HELMUT G. RENNKE.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
33 Rewire Your Anxious Brain-by Catherine M. Pittman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
34 The AGT Cytogenetics Laboratory Manual-4th ed by Marilyn S. Arsham.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
35 The ECG Made Easy-8th ed, John Hampton.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
36 Tyldesleys Oral Medicine-by Anne Field, Lesley Longman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
37 Washington manual of medical Therapeutics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
38 Well Stressed_ Manage Stress Before It Turns Toxic-by Sonia Lopien.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
39 Working with Traumatic Memories to Heal Adults with Unresolved Childhood Trauma_by Petra Wineette.pdfRequest to E-Borrow