Media Sciences

S.No.Book NameAction
1 A History of Narrative Film.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
2 A Linguistics Workbook, Fourth Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
3 Absolute Beginner's Guide to Digital Photography-by Joseph Ciaglia.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
4 Acting-by Claudia Springer.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
5 Advanced Social Media Marketing-by Tom Funk.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
6 Advertising IMC principles and practice by Sandra Ernst Moriarty William Wells Nancy Mitchell.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
7 Aitchisonslinguistics teach yourself by jean atchison.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
8 All New Big Book of Drawing-by Lee Hammond’s.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
9 An Introduction to Journalism by Richard Rudin.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
10 Architect Drawings - A Selection of Sketches by World Famous Architects Through History-by KENDRA SCHANK SMITH.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
11 Architectural detailing _ function, constructibility, aesthetics,3rd ed-by Edward Allen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
12 Art School_ How to Paint & Draw_ Drawing, Watercolor, Oil & Acrylic, Pastel-Hazel Harrison.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
13 AskGaryVee_ One Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness-by Gary Veynerchuck.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
14 B2B Brand Management -by Philip Kotler.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
15 Becoming a digital designer _ a guide to careers in Web, video, broadcast, game, + animation design-by Steven Heller.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
16 Bender Ch1.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
17 BIM Handbook_ A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Designers, Engineers, Contractors, and Facility Managers,3rd ed-by Rafael Sacks.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
18 Brand Gender_ Increasing Brand Equity through Brand Personality-by THEO LIEVEN.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
19 Brand Management by Tilde Heding.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
20 Brand Sense_ How to Build Powerful Brands Through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Sound-by Martin Lindstrom.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
21 Branding Yourself_ How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself-by Erik Deckers.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
22 BRANDS AND BRANDING by Rita Clifton.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
23 British Film Design A History by Laurie N. Ede.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
24 Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing, Fifth Edition by Frank Barnas, Ted White.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
25 Business Statistics A First Course.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
26 Cinema And Society.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
27 Cinematography-by Patrick Keating.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
28 Close-Up and Macro Photography-by Michael Erlewine.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
29 Closely Watched Films_ An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique-by Marilyn Fabe.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
30 Color Drawing_ Design Drawing Skills and Techniques for Architects, Landscape Architects, and Interior Designers-by Michael E Doyle.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
31 Communication Theory by Wikibooks contributors.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
32 Communication Theory Media Technology Society-by DAVID HOLMES.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
33 Complete Write a Novel Course-by Will Buckingham.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
34 Computational Propaganda_ Political Parties, Politicians, and Political Manipulation on Social Media-by SAMUEL C. WOOLLEY.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
35 Consumer behaviour by Hayden Noel.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
36 Consumer Behaviour_ A European Perspective,5th ed-by Michael R. Solomon.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
37 Contacts Langue et culture francaises 8th edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
38 Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour-by Elizabeth Parsons.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
39 Content Rules_ How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business-by C.C. Chapman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
40 Creative Black and White - Digital Photography Tips and Techniques-by Harold Davis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
41 Creative Photography Ideas-by Emma.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
42 Creativity in Theatre Theory and Action in TheatreDrama Education by Suzanne Burgoyne.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
43 Cultural Theory and Popular Culture An Introduction by John Storey.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
44 Culture and Society_ An Introduction to Cultural Studies-by David Oswell.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
45 Culture Society and the Media-by MICHAEL GUREVITCH.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
46 Customer Experience Management Rebooted_ Are you an Experience brand or an Efficiency brand-by STEVEN WALDEN.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
47 Cutting Edge Fashion Illustration_ Step-by-step Contemporary Fashion Illustration - Traditional, Digital and Mixed Media-by SYLVIA DAY.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
48 Decoded_ The Science Behind Why We Buy-by Phil Barden.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
49 Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia By Ayesha Jalal.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
50 Designing Brand Identity_ An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team,4th ed-by Aleena Wheeler.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
51 Designs on film_ a century of Hollywood art direction-by Cathy Whitlock.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
52 Digital Media Contracts by Alan Williams, Duncan Calow, Andrew Lee.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
53 Digital Media Ethics by Charles Ess.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
54 Digital Media Law by Ashley Packard.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
55 Digital Media Technological and Social Challenges of the Interactive World by William Aspray,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
56 Digital Performance_ A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation-by STEVE DIXON.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
57 Digital Photography Masterclass_ Advanced Photographic and Image Manipulation Techniques for Creating Perfect Pictures-by TOMANG.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
58 Digital Transformation in Journalism and News Media. Media Management, Media Convergence and Globalization.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
59 Digital type design for branding _ designing letters from their source-by Stephen Boss.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
60 Digital Watermarking for Digital Media by Juergen Seitz.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
61 Directing_ Film Techniques and Aesthetics,4th ed-by Michael Rabiger.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
62 Dr. Naeem A. Jafarey (Lancet) Jan 2, 2016.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
63 Draw 50 Animals-by Lee J Ames.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
64 Draw 50 Flowers, Trees, and Other Plants_ The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Orchids, Weeping Willows, Prickly Pears, Pineapples, and Many More..-by Lee J Ames.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
65 Drawing Basics and Video Game Art_ Classic to Cutting-Edge Art Techniques for Winning Video Game Design-by Chris Solarski.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
66 Drawing Cartoons & Comics for Dummies-by Brian Fairrington.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
67 Drawing Comics the Marvel Way-by Stan Lee.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
68 Drawing Shortcuts_ Developing Quick Drawing Skills Using Today's Technology-by Jim Leggitt.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
69 Drawing the Head and Hands-by Andrew Loomis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
70 Drawing-Portraits_Faces-and-Figures-by Giovanni Civardi.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
71 Dreaming of cinema spectatorship, surrealism, et the age of digital media by Lowenstein, Adam.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
72 Dynamics of News Reporting and Writing Foundational Skills for a Digital Age by Vincent F. Filak.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
73 Easy French Step-by-Step Master High Frequency Grammar for French Proficiency--FAST!.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
74 Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics,vol 1-by Kerric Harvey.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
75 Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Photography,vol1-3-by Lynne Warren.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
76 Essential Fashion Illustration_ Digital-by Loreto Binvignat Streeter.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
77 Exploring English Language Teaching Language in Action (Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
78 Exploring Language Structure A Student's Guide.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
79 Figure Drawing – Design and Invention-by Michael Hampton.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
80 Film Art_ An Introduction.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
81 Film History_ An Introduction.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
82 Flash Photography_ Art and Techniques-by Terry Hewlett.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
83 Force_ Animal Drawing_ Animal locomotion and design concepts for animators-by Michael D. Mattesi.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
84 Foriegn Policy of Pakistan-by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
85 Free Culture_ How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity-by LAWRENCE LESSIG.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
86 Freehand Drawing and Discovery_ Urban Sketching and Concept Drawing for Designers ( PDFDrive ).pdfRequest to E-Borrow
87 French for dummies.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
88 From Corporate to Social Media-by Marisol Sandoval.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
89 Fun WIth a Pencil-by Andrew Loomis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
90 Gesture Drawing for Animation-by Leo Brodie.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
91 Globalization_ A Very Short Introduction-by Manfred B. Steger.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
92 GMAT Official Guide 2019.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
93 Handbook of Social Media Management-by Mike Friedrichsen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
94 History of European Drama and Theatre by Fischer-Lichte.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
95 History Of Islam-by Akbar Shah Najeebabadi..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
96 How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy ,3rd ed- by Steve Chandler.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
97 How to Be a Writer_ Building Your Creative Skills Through Practice and Play-by Barbara Baig.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
98 How to draw animals with colored pencils_learn to draw realistic animals-by Jasmina Susak.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
99 How to Draw Anime For Beginners-by Muto Anime.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
100 How To Draw Collection-01-12-by Amit Offir.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
101 How to Read a Film_ The World of Movies, Media, Multimedia_ Language, History, Theory,3rd ed-by James Monaco.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
102 How to Study Linguistics. A Guide to Understanding Language.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
103 How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
104 How To Win Friends and Influence People.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
105 In the Blink of an Eye Revised,2nd ed-by Walter Murch.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
106 Inbound Marketing_ Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs-by Brian Hallgan.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
107 Interior Design Illustrated, 4th Edition-by Francis D. K. Ching.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
108 Introduction to Art Design, Context, and Meaning by Pamela J. Sachant, Peggy Blood, Jeffery LeMieux, Rita Tekippe.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
109 Introduction to Interactive Digital Media Concept and Practice by Julia V. Griffey.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
110 Introduction to Literature.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
111 Introduction to Media Production,4th ed-by Robert B. Musburger.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
112 Introduction to Visual Computing-by Aditi Majumder.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
113 Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
114 Jeff Smith. Posing Techniques for Location Portrait Photography. 2008.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
115 Jinnah - Creator of Pakistan by Hector Bolitho.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
116 Jinnah of Pakistan By Wolpert Stanley-Reduced.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
117 Joost Van Den Vondel (1587-1679) Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age (Drama and Theatre in Early Modern Europe) by Jan Bloemandal, Frans-willem Korsten.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
118 Journalism and PR_ News Media and Public Relations in the Digital Age-by John Lloyd.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
119 Journalism, Ethics and Society by David Berry.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
120 Language Ideologies and Media Discourse_ Texts, Practices, Politics-by Sally Johnson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
121 Learn Adobe Illustrator CC for Graphic Design and Illustration-by Dena Wilson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
122 Learning Graphic Design and Illustration by Andrew Faulkner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
123 Linguistics An Introduction to Language and Communication, Sixth Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
124 Love Colored Pencils_ How to Get Awesome at Drawing-by Vivian Wong.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
125 Mass Media Law by Clay Calvert Dan V. Kozlowski Derigan Silver.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
126 Master Realist Techniques in Colored Pencil Painting in 4 Weeks_ Projects for Beginners-by Veronica Winters.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
127 Media Convergence Handbook - Vol. 1_ Journalism, Broadcasting, and Social Media Aspects of Convergence-by Artur Lugmayr.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
128 Media Law for Producers, Fourth Edition by Philip Miller.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
129 Media Literacy Keys to Interpreting Media Messages,4th ed-by Art Silverblatt.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
130 Media Now_ Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology,7th ed-by JOSEPH STRAUBHAAR.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
131 Media Perspectives for the 21st Century-by Stylianos Papathanassopoulos.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
132 Media Today an Introduction to Mass Communication,3rd ed-by JOSEPH TUROW.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
133 Media workbook Conceptual physics,media update,10th ed-by Paul G. Hewitt.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
134 Media, Gender, and Popular Culture in India _ Tracking Change and Continuity-by Sanjukta Dasgupta.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
135 Memory distortion _ how minds, brains, and societies reconstruct the past-by Daniel L. Schacter.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
136 Meyerhold on Theatre by Edward Braun, Jonathan Pitches.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
137 Mind wars _ a history of mind control, surveillance, and social engineering by the government, media, and secret societies-by MARIE D. JONES.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
138 Mining the Social Web_ Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites-by Matthew A Russell.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
139 Modern Management_ Concepts and Skills,14th ed-by Samuel C. Certo.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
140 Motion Graphic Design_ Applied History and Aesthetics, 2nd ed-by Jon Krasner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
141 Music as Image_ Analytical psychology and music in film-by Benjamin Nagari.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
142 National Geographic Masters of Photography -by SnagFilms.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
143 Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop-by Alan Hess..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
144 No B.S. Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing-by Dan S Kennedy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
145 Out of Our Minds_ Learning to be Creative-by Ken Robinson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
146 Pakistan A Hard Country By Anatol Lieven.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
147 Pakistan at the Crossroad of History By Lawrence Ziring.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
148 Pakistan between Mosque and Military by Hussain Haqqani.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
149 Pakistan Cinema 1947-1997 by Mushtaq Gazdar.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
150 Pencil Drawing Techniques-by David Lewis.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
151 Perspective Made Easy-by Earnest R Norling.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
152 Photoshop CS6 Unlocked, 101 Tips Tricks and Techniques,2nd ed-by Corrie Haffley.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
153 Photoshop for Right-Brainers_ The Art of Photo Manipulation-by Al Ward.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
154 plugged in How Media Attract-by Patti M. Valkenburg.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
155 Portrait Photography-by Saraya Cortaville.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
156 Postdramatic Theatre and the Political International Perspectives on Contemporary Performance by Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll, Steve Giles.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
157 Practical Step-by-Step Drawing Techniques for Rendering a Variety of Surfaces & Textures-by ENISEJ . HOWARD.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
158 Pride And Prejudice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
159 prideprejudice.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
160 Principles of Marketing Pearson (2017) Philip T. Kotler, Gary Armstrong.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
161 Principles of Marketing-14th-edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
162 Print Journalism a Critical Introducton by Richard Keeble.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
163 Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV-by Bryan WC Chung.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
164 Producer to Producer A Step By Step Guide to Low Budgets Independent Film Producing.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
165 Production Management for Film and Video by Richard Gates [Gates, Richard].pdfRequest to E-Borrow
166 Public Speaking (11th Edition) by Kathleen J. Turner, Randall Osborn, Michael Osborn , Suzanne Osborn.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
167 Qualitative marketing research_ understanding consumer behaviour-by Dominika Maison.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
168 Seizing the Light_ A Social & Aesthetic History of Photography-by robert hirsch.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
169 Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics Mining Business Insights from Social Media Text, Actions, Networks, Hyperlinks, Apps, Search Engine, and Location Data by Gohar F. Khan.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
170 Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics-by Gohar F. Khan.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
171 Short Guide to writing about Literature.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
172 Sketch Book for the Artist-by Sarah Simblet.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
173 Skill with People.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
174 Social BOOM!_ How to Master Business Social Media to Brand Yourself, Sell Yourself, Sell Your Product-by JEFFREY G ITOMER.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
175 Social Media - The Art of Marketing on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram-by Calvin Kennedy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
176 Social Media and Crisis Communication by Lucinda L Austin Yan Jin.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
177 Social Media in Politics_ Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media-by Bogdan Patrut.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
178 Social Media Management-by Amy Van Looy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
179 Social Media Marketing Step by Step Instructions For Advertising Your Business on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter-by Noah Grey.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
180 Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies,4th ed-by Jan Zimmerman Neborah Ng.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
181 Social media marketing tips essential advice, hints and strategy for business -by Andrew Macarthy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
182 Social Media Marketing-by Dave Evans.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
183 Social Media Metrics Secrets-by John Lovett.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
184 Social Media Metrics_ How to Measure and Optimize Your Marketing Investment-by JIM STERNE.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
185 Social Media ROI_ Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization-by Olivier Balanchard.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
186 Social Media_ Become a Social Media Marketing Master_ How to Easily Start Marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & More-by Alex Jenkins.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
187 Social Media_ Master Social Media Marketing - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram-by Grant Kennedy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
188 Social Rules A Common Sense Guide-by Slack Paul.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
189 Sound for Film and Television, Third Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
190 Sound Systems_ Design and Optimization_ Modern Techniques and Tools for Sound System Design and Alignment-by Bob McCarthy.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
191 Speak to Win_ How to Present with Power in Any Situation.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
192 Special Subjects_ Basic Color Theory_ An Introduction to Color for Beginning Artists-by Patti Mollica.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
193 Start sketching and drawing now _ simple techniques for drawing landscapes, people and objects-by Grant Fuller.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
194 Statistics for People who Hate Statistics.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
195 Street Photography Magazine-by Juergen Rink.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
196 Teach Yourself-Visually-Drawing-by Dean Fisher.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
197 Teachers Discovering Computers Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom, 6th Edition (Shelly Cashman Series) by Gary B. Shelly,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
198 Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now-by Jaron Lanier.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
199 The 21st Century Screenplay_ A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Tomorrow's Films.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
200 The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, 2nd ed-by Ron Brinkmann.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
201 The Art Direction Handbook for Film-by Michael Rizzo.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
202 The Art of Botanical & Bird Illustration_ An Artist’s Guide to Drawing and Illustrating Realistic Flora, Fauna, and Botanical Scenes from Nature-by Mindy Lighthipe.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
203 The Art of Comedy Writing-by Asa Berger.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
204 The Artist's Guide to GIMP_ Creative Techniques for Photographers, Artists, and Designers (Covers GIMP 2.8)-by Michael J. Hammel.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
205 The B2B social media book_ become a marketing superstar by generating leads with blogging, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, email, and more-by Kip Bodner.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
206 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language David Crystal.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
207 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
208 The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook How to Understand and Reach Your Audience for Maximum Impact and Success.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
209 The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
210 The Definitive Personal Assistant and Secretarial Handbook_ A Best Practice Guide for All Secretaries, Pas, Office Managers and Executive Assistants-by Sue France.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
211 The ethics of emerging media _ information, social norms, and new media technology-by BRUCE E. DRUSHEL.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
212 The film Appreciation Book _ the film course you always wanted to take-by Jim Piper.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
213 The Handbook of Journalism Studies by Karin Wahl-Jorgensen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
214 The Media and Globalization by Terhi Rantanen.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
215 The Methuen Drama Dictionary of the Theatre by Jonathan Law.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
216 The New Rules of Marketing & PR _ How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly-by David Meerman Scott.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
217 The New Strategic Brand Management,4th ed-by J N KAPFERER.PDFRequest to E-Borrow
218 The Nikon Guide to Landscape Photography-by Nikon.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
219 The Only Leadership Book You'll Ever Need_ How to Build Organizations Where Employees Love to Come to Work-by Peter Barron Stark.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
220 The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies-by MICHAEL J. MAcDONALD.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
221 The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media by Carol Vernallis, Amy Herzog, John Richardson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
222 The Photographer's Eye_ Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos-by MICHAEL FREEMAN.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
223 The Power of Visual Storytelling_ How to Use Visuals, Videos, and Social Media to Market Your Brand-by EKATERINA WALTER.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
224 The Psychology of Political Communicators_ How Politicians, Culture, and the Media Construct and Shape Public Discourse-by Ofer Feldman.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
225 The Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Mass Media-by Katrin Döveling.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
226 The Silent Language of Leaders-by Carol Kinsey.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
227 The Social Media Evolution trends, challenges & opportunities-by Mayer Brown.PDFRequest to E-Borrow
228 The Technique of Film and Video Editing,5th ed-by Ken Dancyger.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
229 The Visual Culture Theory.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
230 The-New-Rules-of-Marketing-and-PR,2nd ed-by David Meerman Scott.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
231 To Kill a Mocking Bird.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
232 To Kill a Mockingbird.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
233 Transforming Communication in Leadership and Teamwork_by Renate Motschnig.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
234 Trust Me, I'm Lying_ Confessions of a Media Manipulator-by RYAN HOLIDAY.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
235 Understanding Consumer Behaviour-by RTU.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
236 Understanding Media Cultures_ Social Theory and Mass Communication,2nd ed-by Nick Stevenson.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
237 Understanding Media The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan, Lewis H. Lapham.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
238 Understanding media theory.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
239 Understanding Morphology Second Edition.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
240 Understanding the Hospitality Consumer (Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism)-by Alistair Williams.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
241 Understanding-Media-and-Culture-An-Introduction-to-Mass-Communication-by Unnamed Author.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
242 Urban Watercolor Sketching_ A Guide to Drawing, Painting, and Storytelling in Color-by Scheinberger, Felix..pdfRequest to E-Borrow
243 Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture Essays on Adaptations in Literature, Film, Television and Digital Media by Audrey L. Becker,.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
244 Who owns the world's media__ media concentration and ownership around the world-by Eli M. Noam.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
245 Writing and Editing for Digital Media,3rd ed-by Brian Carroll.pdfRequest to E-Borrow
246 Writing for Digital Media by Brian Carroll.pdfRequest to E-Borrow