Services Providing to the University

Intellectual Support:

ZU research is growing and increasing the numbers of higher degree by research students enrolled.The ZU Libraries are strategic partners in the University’s research initiatives and has a key role in providing resources, professional advice, training and management of research output. The Library’s engagement with the research process is determined in part by the new competitive research environment and by the increase in sophisticated online content and tools available to researchers and the library cares by:

● Knowing and understanding the needs and requirements of the literature on different subjects according to the Academic and Research programs of the university
● Knowing about the continuously publishing literature that may be required for ZU programs
● Developing and managing the print and electronic collections according to the university teaching and learning and research priorities.
● Providing access to the library collection to the Academicians, Clinicians and Researcher
● Providing the current and relevant information to the individuals of relevant subjects instantaneously
● The ZU libraries’ collection includes high quality indexing and abstracting databases and resources which support researchers in the development of research strategies and methodologies
● Provide current contents information to the faculty and researchers of new incoming literature in the library
● Providing learning space in the libraries of all campuses to meet study needs ensuring all students can work in an environment appropriate to their study requirements.
● Provide off campus literature access facilities to the ZU library users
● Databases of online journals and books on necessary subjects are being provided to the Academicians, Researchers and Clinicians.
● Provide help in reference management to the researchers of different programs of ZU
● Provide facilitation in creating original work forall type of researches.
● Provide support by professional and qualified (Master’s in Library and Information Science) librarians isdeputed in all libraries of ZU.
● Medical Librarianship is a specialty and the part of the education of library and Information Science.
● Information Scientist:The Information Science is a big part of librarianship in this modern age. The ZU librarians are providing the services of Information Scientist.
● Wealth & Treasure of Information and Knowledge:To run successfully the University programs at all level; all necessary and required information and literature for the university’s academic and research is well organized and readily available in different sorted form. Any information and literature can be accessed and obtained anytime from anywhere
● Promoting Library Culture: Through continuous sharing of new incoming literature and other library services; the library awareness and its value and importance are continuously penetrating in the university’s academic and research environment.
● An Instrument to promote the reading environment:in the age of literature explosion; the ZU library isan instrument to provideselected and required material to the right person in right time and playing a vital role in creating the reading culture
● Guide to Sources of Information and Knowledge:with the beach of the sea of knowledge library creates pond of required and limited information and literature.
● Integration of knowledge:The library advises to the faculties and colleges to share their literature mutually and should not to acquire the same literature separately. Especially in the subject of basic sciences, the library informs to the all, if one college is purchased the literature of common interest.
● Support in Solving the Academic and Research Problems:On regular basis the Academicians and Researchers visit the library with their problems of different nature. The Librarians help them on professionalmode.
● Guide in choosing the most relevant and important literature:The Librarians observe and maintain the statistics of the much use subject literature and advise to the stake holders in selecting more appropriate and important literature
● Creating a Virtual Environment for the university: the library has created and developed the virtual environment to enhance access towards the maximum available literature. For this purpose; databases, website, KOHA, OPAC systems etc.…. have been developed for the university
● Develop the abilities of the usage of the literature:Through different session for groups and individuals; the skills of the faculty, students and researchers are being continuously enhanced.
● Identifyingand informing about weak areas of the required literature: The library plays an important role to identify the scarcity of the literature which are important and need to be improved

Training support to the Faculty, Students and Researchers:

● The library offers training and support to groups and individuals across the research tenure to ensure throughout their career at ZU.
● Researchers continue develop their skills in information literacy and use library resources and services according to their research practice
● Delivers introductory training about Library and Information Management to groups and individuals for faculty, postgraduate research and other students.
● Where feasible, and considering other work commitments, we collaborate with research projects by assisting with literature search if requested.
● We seek the opportunities to be updated our librarians, through continuous professional development, to provide the best possible support to the university.
● Provide introduction and training the use of information resources by arranging information skills sessions and in individual’s capacity.
● Educate the user; how to save time by making search easy by using modern searching tools for the full range of library online and printed literature.
● Advise on data management.
● Provide online support to other campus-based students.

Literature information systems and the dissemination of new incoming literature: Current Content Service (CCS) or Current Awareness Service (CAS):

● We maintain, develop and promote the selective information dissemination services (SDI). All the information of new incoming literature with its table of contents is being circulated to the related faculty, researcher, clinicians and students.
● Through this service the library also provides access to therequired documentsin available formats e.g. Table of Contents of Books and Journals, Full Text, PDF, Abstract, Citation, Illustration, Book Chapter, Article and reviews etc.…
● The Current Contents or Current Awareness Service is very much effective in promoting the university research programs. It is also an effective tool to develop a good relationship between Faculty, Researchers and the librarians. The beneficiaries of this service are very happy because, they receive the information about the new incoming relevant literature on their table on daily basis without searching the library catalog or visiting the library and library shelves.
● The information is kept and record as the institutional repository.
● We continue seek and evaluate the need of literature according to the university programs
● We continue seek and evaluate the need of information dissemination systems to keep fit for the purpose.
● We promote awareness about the literature in the open access environment.

Help in Publishing the literature of ZU Faculty and Researchers:

1. Identifying the subject areas and provide the list of related and good name Journals and publishers according to the articles worth
2. Provide the information about the journalsvalue and impact factor
3. Mention the databases in which the selected journals are included
4. How it can be accessed
5. Evaluating the standards tomatch withanappropriate journal for the author’ publication
6. Time required in publishing the article
7. Information of article fee (charges) to publish the articles
8. Provide help to fill the Form of Publishers to publish the articles

ZU Faculty Publication Information:

If any Book, paper, article, chapter and poster etc.…. is published on national or international level; the library is disseminated its information with full text among the all faculty members of the university.

Creating Network Among the Faculty Members and Researchers:

Through the service of Faculty Publication Information, the faculty member can aware about the research and work areas of other Faculty Members and Researchers. By this service the Faculty members can handshake in the research of similar subject and areas with others, the duplication also can be avoided in the university.

Library Services to the users:

Library is a growing organism; that grows with university and its programs. Library play role in improving the quality of education according to changing modern trends and needs. Responsible to provide quality literature to support the curriculum and research activities at all levels. We continuously seek and observe the accelerating quantitative and qualitative needs to cope the accelerating number of programs, faculty members and students:

● Increase the value of information and help in its maximum use through support service.
● To Increase the research output by faculty and research scholars through information resources and the support services.
● To Provide personalized database through KOHA system
● Keeping and promoting the University’ interest protect and promote academy’s interest with respect of external policies by developing its ability to use information resources in support of its academic responsibilities.
● Develop andemphasize that faculty and students have access to the technical information support needed to use information resources effectively.
● Develop single point access to the full range of information resources in the all campuses of the university.
● Establish personal courtesies for full range of staff concerned with the customer.
● Process information directly to work station and resource utilization points.
● Understand the academic’s static’s, where a need of development in term of information resources through educational, professional, technical and technological studies.

Literature Search:

Library provides free literature search service to the all type of library users including Faculty Member, Research & Academic Students, Clinicians, University Staff, Alumni of all faculties and colleges and outsiders who visit and contact the library.
The library provides the material to the libraries of the country, as well as they arrange the required literature for us on our request.
For Academic, Research and Patient Care information and literature, the ZU Libraries search the relevant and up-to-date literature from all available resources of databases.

The ZU Professional librarians can carry out the searches on behalf of different subject Professionals to identify the required books, book chapters, journal articles, guidelines, systematic reviews and other evidence-based information to full fill their requirements

How do we provide the literature search service?

● Understand the project or the theme of required literature
● Understand the question of the client.
● Understand the scope of the client
● What type of literature and for what purpose the literature is required i.e. for Ph. D/M. Phil Research, Article writing, presentation etc….
● Statistical Data, descriptive, images, references etc…..required
● We have provided a literature search Form at library website and KOHA front page
● Librarian sits with the researchers to search the required literature, it is more effective procedure to find out the exact literature.
● Received queries through email or phone
● Article searches for already selected references
● DD DocumentDelivery service to the researchers
● We do not defer the clientfor next day to search the literature. This is the most urgent and highly preferable service for the librarians.

A Single Point Information Resource:

A federated data model with the support of HEC a single point literature search resource
Summon Serial Solution has been provided to the ZU library users.
Recently subscribed HINARI database Provided by World Health Organization (WHO) is also provided the same single point searching provision

Literature Management and Literature Search Training

We arrange sessions in colleges and libraries to provide the literature management and literature searching training to groups and individuals of Faculty members and researchers

Searching Tools

● Choosing the suitable resources and databases
● Boolean Search, Keyword, Title, Author, ISBN, Organization, Publisher, Catalog etc….

Inter Library Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery (DD) Service

If the required document or literature is not available within the library or library resources, we arrange its copy or original document on loan from other libraries of the country.

Printing Service:

● Help in Correcting the document’s layout and formatting before taking printout
● Provide printing service and charge Rs.5/- per page from the students

Photocopying Service:

Library provide photocopy service to the library users. Since the photocopy service is outsourced near the library, a library staff is responsible for the library literature and provides help in making photocopy

Scanning Services:

Library provides scanning services to make the copies of selected articles by the faculty members from the hard copy journals of library collection.

Newspaper Clipping:

Clipping of important and relevant news, editorial, features, advertisements, photos and articles etc.… are being done, recorded and circulated to the higher management on regular basis. The necessary clippings are also displayed at the notice board outside the library.

Urdu Translation:

Dr. Ziauddin Hospital management assigns the work of Urdu translation of hospital brochures, signage and other documents to the library.

Reference Management, Bibliographies and Citations

In the era of the explosion of scientific literature to record and utilize the bibliographic citations (References) in scientific research, we use some Popular Reference Management Styles including Vancouver Style that is recommended by HEC for our official use. Beside it, we use MLA, APA, Chicago and Harvard styles to provide help to the Faculty and Research Student in publishing their articles according to the publisher requirement. The library also provides help and training in preparing the references to the ZU faculty and researchers.

Reference Questions:

On daily basis many queries through phone, email, letter and visits are received by the librarians. We firmly try to provide their answers immediately without any delay. The following types of queries are asked from the library:

Books & Journals
   ○ Inquiries about the availability of required book or journal by common user
   ○ How to order or purchase the book for library. Can we recommend the book?
   ○ Inquiries about the ordered books.
   ○ Questions about HEC and other databases
   ○ Access and full text opening Problems
   ○ Availability of such journal
   ○ Questions about creating and forgetting IDs and Passwords
   ○ Training of the Software
   ○ How can reduces the percentage of similarity
   ○ Queries about Certificate of originality
   ○ Help in filling the Form and undertaking
   ○ Questions about Membership policy and procedure
   ○ Queries about book lost, fine, book damage, due date etc.…
IT related
   ○ Inter net, Wi-Fi, Password and downloadingetc.…. issues in the library
   ○ Problems in users’computers
   ○ Queries about thesis format
   ○ To see the sample theses
Literature Search
   ○ Manual
      ■ Inquiries about any literature, report, brochure, newsletter, newspaper etc.….
   ○ Online
      ■ How can search the literature from different databases
      ■ Queries about databases of required subjects
      ■ Requests for full Text of searched reference
      ■ Queries about filling the Online Test Assessment
Lost and Found:
   ○ Inquiries about the lost things of the library users from inside or outside the library
Literature Management:
   ○ What is official reference style of bibliographies and reference management
   ○ Questions about End Note and Foot Notes
   ○ Library receives so many phones, email and visits of the vendors on daily basis Most of the questions are regarding, quotations, change of editions, unavailability of the title and payments etc.…

Networking and Resources Sharing:

In the flood of information, no library can become self-sufficient in its resources. Keeping in view the Ziauddin University’s educational, clinical and research needs, the library has developed the following two types of networking for resource sharing:

Telecommunication and email network: we have stablished the network with the renowned University Libraries of the Country like University of Karachi and Aga Khan University etc.…We contact them via phone or email and obtain required articles or other documents from these universities’ libraries through email. As well as we also provide the articles to other libraries on their requests.
Access to the databases: To enhance our resources, we have stablished links to the important databases according to the different packages and agreements e.g. HEC Digital Library, HINARI – World Health Organization (WHO), IEEE and other online subscribed individual journals.

Economic Impact:

The University is expending continuously, and a big amount is spending in acquiring the related and specialized literature for the different programs. Beside it,the library is also unceasingly trying to enhance the access to the more and more literature without investing more money. The following accomplishments are being done by the library:

● Vendor: The library acquires secrete quotations from the vendors and always prefer the lowest quoted rates without compromising on the product quality.
● Networking with subject libraries of the country and outside the country
● Acquiring required articles free of cost from the other libraries
● Access to the open source literature and databases
● Due to centralized library system; somecommonliterature is being used to more colleges and departments
● Rotating the important and related journals to the related libraries, instead of subscribing the separate journals for each library.
● Acquiring the literature on exchange basis with PJMD from the related subject institutions.
● Acquiring the journals, magazines, books and other literature free of cost by writing the request letter to the different organizations
● Obtaining literature through Inter Library Loan system
● Internet surfing to find important material in the university interest.
● KOHA a library software has been obtained free of cost
● Receive the gifts of books and other literature
● In the head of printing charges, the library submits Rs.3000/- (as an average) per month and
● Rs.1000/- (as an average) per month submits in book fine from the library users.

Ethics, Honesty and Loyalty with the Organization

Protection of Ziauddin University’s Ethical Values:

The Library is strictly follows the international library standards and the country (HEC) policy to keep material in the library. Library is responsible to keep, protect and fair distribution of the intellectual property of published and unpublished library literature. No Photocopy and Pirated material is kept in the library shelves. Library also avoid the keeping of controversial and disputed material in the library.

Ethics in Literature Acquiring:

The university management spends more than 20 million Rupees to purchase the literature for the library. The library strictly follows all the rules and regulations of purchasing. Library always consider original books with lowest price and never compromises in the quality of product.

The librarians never accept any gift, even pen, diary and calendar from the vendors to sidestep from any undue favor from the library.

Professional Ethics:

   ○ Library is working on high level ethical values.
   ○ Each professional is working in the library with all required ethics.
   ○ The librarians never defer the work of client for any other time
   ○ The library user feels easier in contacting the library staff.
   ○ No any gender or racial discrimination can feel in the library
   ○ Always try to learn the new technology and trends related to library profession

Intellectual Property:

● The Library is accountable for the intellectual properties of the library holdings specially for the Research Thesis.
● The library is also responsible for the security of the material comes in the library for plagiarism check
● We care and follow the copyright principles in downloading the data, taking printout and making photocopy from the subscribed databases.
● The library management strictly considers the clauses of the agreement of the vendor or publisher or database management

Library Role at the time of HEC, PMDC and other bodies’Inspections:

During the inspection of HEC, PMDC and other inspection bodies; the library not only provides the updated information of the library resources, facilitiesand services to them, it also facilitates all ZU Faculties and colleges by providingthe required information and updates with current situation.

Library Marketing:

Library is not a profit-making department and neither manufacture the things to sale. But the library needs the marketing to promote its services.

About the treasurer of knowledge available in the library resources must be known to the library users.

● Continuous information of incoming literature sends to the targeted departments
● We informed and offer all the library services to the patrons.
● We market the library facilities to encourage the library users to use the library
● We try to provide the required literature to the customer on its table
● Our staff deals the customer with all required courtesy
● We provide library services free or charges except printing charges
● Email, Phone, Personal contact and other means uses to contact the customer
● Library website is under construction (it will be a big tool for the library marketing)
● A beautiful library brochure is published to provide handy and important information to the users
● A beautiful library with proper furniture setting and cozy environment is attracting the Faculty and students
● We arrange the literature from other libraries and data centers; therefore, our library user feel happy to contact us for the literature available outside
● All library literature is open access and available for all users without any bindings
● Customer’s satisfaction compels him/her to visit library regularly
● Timeliness response is also one of the causes of user’s satisfaction with the library
● We provide a lot on information on telephone and email that is also a cause users satisfaction and the good name of library